So maybe Greg Ginn says that 90% of this book is bullshit. Maybe he's telling the truth. Maybe he's smoked so much weed he doesn't know what happened. The important thing is, as amazing as the book is, it is amazing tenfold when narrated by Rollins himself.
I've heard the stories about what an asshole he is. A lot of those stories involve people fucking with him because he is Henry Rollins and then acting like he's the one who's a prick for being a dick back. I met him once, after chasing him around the Pratt campus with Bent Outta Shape for an inane photo op, and he seemed quite cordial to me, shaking every one's hand and showing genuine interest in what we thought. Also, he said that he thought Keith Morris was the best singer in Black Flag. I used to agree, but after a while, you realize that Keith Morris was kind of a nerd, their songwriting/musicianship was so behind the curve, and that Hank's intense rage, whether real or contrived, was what it was all about.
Part 1
Part 2
1 comment:
part 1 is corrupt :(
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