Here's a classic you may have missed from San Francisco's sorely underrated Acid King. Named after Ricky "The Acid King" Kasso, a teenager growing up in Long Island during the late 70's/early 80's who dropped a few times too many and decided Satan wanted him to kill this kid who stole a bunch of angel dust from him, Acid King have been plodding along since 1993 with little recognition. Incredibly slow, with thick, psych driven riffs, this would be great for a stoned Sunday morn. Also, singer Lori S. is Dale Crover's ex-wife, if you need some kind of "cred" to bother checking this out.
I myself dabbled in acid a few times. The last time was in the early oughts, during my brief tenure living in the shithole known as Pinole, CA. My girlfriend at the time had fucked one of my roommates and decided to move to Chicago. I was pretty bummed about it, and went down to Berkley to look for some of the scumfucks I'd been associating with, the only people in that god-forsaken state at the time who would hang out with my sorry ass. I eventually found this guy named Ferret who I had known (Sort of) from New York. He was really sketchy, but always pretty nice to me. I told him my tale of woe, and he told me to wait where I was. He walked over to this girl and started talking to her and pointing at me. "Oh no", I thought. "He's going to spend his hard-spanged change on getting me the worst prostitute money can buy. This is not what I need right now." He walked back over and told me to open my mouth. I kind of knew where this was going, and knew that THAT wasn't what I needed, either, but said fuck it. It was pretty shitty acid.
Damn i wish you'd given me a better computer, so i could download half this stuff. I am listening to the rain and your gentle sleeping. i love you --your biggest fan--Keith Joseph Spencer.
i love you duncan and your writing to
come to CALIFORNIA we wont do acid this time
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