No Idea Records is, nowadays, kind of a joke amongst people who don't like "beard core", ie. watered down pop hardcore with really, really "gruff vocals", AKA bands who've listened to far too much Hot Water Music. I haven't really paid much attention to their output lately, but for a while, it seems that this was all they put out. But, back in their earlier days at least, they were a really diverse label and put out stuff that was all over the place. Case in point: the Floor self titled LP. If you haven't heard of Floor before, they played on and off from 1992 till 20004, before they broke up for good and formed the much more pop(ular) band Torche. Please don't dismiss this because you think Torche is cheesy. Whereas people refer to Torche as a "pop-doom" hybrid band (when in actuality they're just a poppy hardcore band with some slow songs), this actually lives up to that moniker. I honestly can't think of a single other band that really sounds like this (if you can, please, let me know). It's equal parts melodic pop anthem and crushingly heavy doom. I don't have any wacky stories or angry rants for this one, but according to iTunes, I've listened to this record more than anything else in my whole library. Best jams- "Figured Out" (I try to rip off that snare-crash triplet thing he does whenever possible), "Scimitar", "Downed Star". Just check it out, man.
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