I quit smoking. Cigarettes, I mean. I haven't smoked in a week (that's a lie; I had a single cigarette at Grillo's BBQ last week because I was about to cry if I didn't), which is only the second time I've gone longer than like, a day, without smoking since I was knee high to a... uhh... like 19 years old, probably. Anyone who has known me for any length of time knows me as someone who loves to smoke, and gets angry when I can't smoke. I, however, decided that as a grown ass, 30 year old man, certain changes need to be made, such as quitting smoking. And listening to more French coldwave. It's a shame, too, because this is great smoking music. It's a little too fast to be great fucking music, but would be great to listen to post-coitally, especially whilst smoking. It's still a great record even if you don't smoke or get laid... trust me, friend.